latestcandycrushgame| Follow-up to Evergrande's performance fraud: Hong Kong Finance Bureau will investigate the accounting firm!

Nature 2024-04-21

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On the 19thLatestcandycrushgameThe Hong Kong Accounting and Financial reporting Council (HKFRC) issued a notice saying that a report letter had been circulated and widely reported by the media.

The report letter expresses serious concern about the quality management system of PricewaterhouseCoopers (PricewaterhouseCoopers Hong Kong) and the potential lack of audit quality conducted by China Evergrande Group. The main allegations include failure to establish and maintain an effective quality control system to ensure audit quality and compliance with professional standards and applicable laws and regulations, and to provide audit to Evergrande Group and itsLatestcandycrushgameIn his professional services, he failed to comply with the professional standards for clients to undertake and maintain customer relationships; failed to assign appropriate personnel to take charge of key positions in the quality management system of accounting firms, which may damage the firm's monitoring functions; failed to implement proper audit procedures for Evergrande Group audit.

The HKFB said that in view of the seriousness of the above allegations, it had the responsibility to conduct an investigation in order to protect the broader public interest involved in the audit of the investing public and listed entities, and to safeguard public confidence in the integrity of the accounting profession. When any misconduct or violation of the Accounting and Financial reporting Board Ordinance is found, the Finance Bureau will not hesitate to take stringent enforcement actions against the firms and individuals involved.

In fact, as early as October 2021, the Hong Kong Council of Finance (formerly known as FRC) issued an announcement entitled "the FRC launched an investigation into the report of China Evergrande Group on continuing operations" (hereinafter referred to as "the investigation"). According to the investigation, the Finance Bureau conducted an inquiry on the financial statements of China Evergrande Group as at 31 December 2020 (2020 annual accounts) and for the six months ended 30 June 2021 (2021 interim accounts).

Recently, an open letter entitled "who brought PricewaterhouseCoopers into the fire pit of Evergrande" has been fermented in the market and signed as "some PricewaterhouseCoopers partners", exposing problems such as the quality management of PwC's internal audit.

Recently, PricewaterhouseCoopers noticed that an anonymous letter claiming to be "part of PricewaterhouseCoopers partners" was posted and circulated on some social platforms or media, according to a statement on PricewaterhouseCoopers' Chinese website on April 15. The anonymous letter contains false information about PricewaterhouseCoopers and some of its partners, which is obviously contrary to the facts and seriously infringes on PricewaterhouseCoopers' business reputation and legal rights.

PricewaterhouseCoopers attaches great importance to the matter, has taken measures, and will conduct an in-depth investigation into the matter. PricewaterhouseCoopers has reported the release and dissemination of the letter to the relevant law enforcement agencies and reserves the right to pursue the legal liability of those who fabricate, disseminate and disseminate false information.

latestcandycrushgame| Follow-up to Evergrande's performance fraud: Hong Kong Finance Bureau will investigate the accounting firm!

On March 18, the SFC's advance notice of administrative punishment and market ban disclosed by Evergrande Real Estate showed that the CSRC found that there were false records in the annual reports disclosed by Evergrande Real Estate in 2019 and 2020. Evergrande Real Estate falsified its financial affairs by recognizing its income in advance, resulting in a false increase of 2139 in income in 2019.Latestcandycrushgame89 million yuan, an inflated income of 3501 in 2020Latestcandycrushgame.57 billion yuan. In addition, Evergrande Real Estate suspected of bond information disclosure violations have been investigated by the Securities Regulatory Commission. It has been found that Evergrande Real Estate in five issues of a total of 20.8 billion yuan of bond issuance documents, respectively cited the existence of false records of 2019, 2020 annual report related data, suspected of fraudulent issuance.

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