bingochart| Nvidia's share price plunged 10%, Musk ridiculed himself: What is this? It's just a "rookie number"

Nature 2024-04-21

Nvidia's shares plunged 10% on Friday, wiping out $211 billion in market value. This is the second largest single-day market value loss in U.S. stock market history.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk posted on the X platform, saying in a self-deprecating tone that Nvidia's 10% decline was just a "rookie number", meaning that such a decline was nothing to him and Tesla had suffered. More serious losses.

bingochart| Nvidia's share price plunged 10%, Musk ridiculed himself: What is this? It's just a "rookie number"

In the comment area of Musk's post, some netizens said the second half of the words for Musk.bingochart:"I've seen worse." Some netizens said: "I came here just to see such self-deprecating humor, long live!"

Overall, in the past week, the "Big Seven" including Apple, Alphabet's Google, Microsoft, Meta, Amazon, Tesla and Nvidia have lost a total of $950 billion in stock market value.

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