roulettewheelprice| A-shares have not been easy recently

Automotive 2024-04-20

Recently, A shares have not been easy. The US stock index has fallen 5 times in a row, completely falling below the 60-day moving average. The Nikkei index has fallen more than 10% from its high and is down another 3% + in intraday trading today. Bitcoin fell below $61000, leaving traders looking to break an all-time high and rise to 100000 after breaking 70, 000, standing on a high hill. Hang Seng Technology did not go up with his father. When A shares fell, it followed his mother. In the past two days, the US stock market fell and changed to his father.

The opening of trading this morning was even more unusual, crude oil began to rise before 9: 00, the nano index also opened and fell early, and the Nikkei quickly fell below 2, indicating that something was happening. Big An is still not slow. After opening at 09:30, many indexes have turned red. It was not until 10:00 when there was an explosion near Iran's Isfahan airport that A shares began to fall 10 minutes later. By this time, the increase in crude oil had already broken 3%. The payroll index fell by more than 2%. News came only after 10:00 in the Chinese-language media that US executives said Israel had taken action to retaliate against Iran. This time, it is clear that Wall Street has taken the lead. A shares opened for half an hour and was completely kept in the dark. The foreigners have long run away.

roulettewheelprice| A-shares have not been easy recently

The northward direction is all of its own people, and looking at the northward direction to make a deal is completely for self-amusement and self-realization, which is no different from looking at the K line. As for Wall Street, it is characterized by a quick response to news, fast to the level of minutes and milliseconds, and it can never sleep as long as the trading market is open. As a matter of fact, this morning is the main trading time for Asian stock markets, and American stocks are closed now (I don't know what it means to see "prosperous", but actually I haven't seen "prosperous" either. I don't know if there are any in it). However, the Japanese stock market, which has a strong penetration on Wall Street, can still have foresight to the news, and the price of crude oil, which is highly controlled by Wall Street, has a keen sense of smell, only Big An is slow. Or think that Yigong fire is good for us.Roulettewheelprice?

Key words crude oil, US executives, Israel bullish (bullish) US stock index has fallen 5 in a row, the Nikkei index has fallen more than 10% from its high, Bitcoin has fallen below $61000, Hang Seng Technology is not following its father, and when A shares fell, it followed its mother. In the past two days, the US stock market fell and changed to his father. Crude oil began to rise before 9 o'clock this morning, and the Nikkei index opened early, and the Nikkei quickly fell below 2. Something foreshadowed. There was an explosion near Iran's Isfahan airport, and it was 10 minutes before A shares began to fall. at this time, the increase in crude oil had already broken through 3%, and the decline in the index had broken through 2%. It was only after 10:00 in the Chinese media that news came out that American executives said that Israel had taken action to retaliate against Iran, and this time, it was clear that Wall Street had taken the lead. A shares opened half an hour was completely covered (protected) in the drum (very), foreigners have long run away. The northward direction is all of its own people. Looking at the northward direction of trading is completely entertaining and self-fulfilling, which is no different from looking at the K-line. As for Wall Street, it is characterized by its quick response to the news, fast to the level of minutes and milliseconds. Really, as long as the trading market is open, it can never sleep. In fact, this morning is the main trading time for Asian stock markets, and American stocks are closed now. But in fact, I haven't seen "Prosperity" either. I don't know if it's in it. However, the Japanese stock market, which has a strong penetration on Wall Street, can still be prescient about the news. Crude oil prices, which are highly controlled by Wall Street, have a good sense of smell. Only Big An is slow, or do they think that the fire is good for us? The proxy war between the younger brother and the younger brother? However, judging from the trend after 10:10, there is still a virtue of "we know too late". However, Wall Street is not omnipotent, it can be said to be completely incompetent about the future, and the forecast for the Federal Reserve closest to it is completely wrong. There was optimism in the second half of last year, saying that interest rates would be cut this year and began to do so in the first half of the year. Some of them were predicted to be cut seven times at most, and now they have been slapped in the face. The latest statement of Fed officials is We will have to wait until the end of this year, or even next year, at the earliest. This is also the reason why the Nasdaq has been weak recently. It is normal if the prediction is wrong. No matter how smart people are in predicting the future, they basically rely on the so-called unpredictable prophecy, but they are just ahead of time. It's just that the short-term trend of the stock price is very difficult to predict. For example, during the day yesterday, the performance of Europe's Asmaier (that is, the Dutch lithography machine) fell short of expectations. Before the opening of US stocks in the evening, the overwhelming performance of TSMC exceeded expectations, but it still fell by 4%. Finally, let's answer a lot of questions about the "my coquettish Operation" posted last night: why can Berkshire sell put without paying a deposit? First of all, popularize put, that is, put options. Buying put is equivalent to getting a right to sell at a fixed point. Of course, you have to pay a little money for this, such asRoulettewheelpriceIf you don't expect A-shares to rise above 3100 points, buy a 3100-point put. Since the current A-share is less than 3100 points, so this is a real option, you have to pay the difference between 3100 points and the current point, and then add some volatility premium, because the rise and fall of the stock market is random, although it is less than 3100 points now, but if you only pay the difference, then in case the A-share wave goes down in the future, the person who sells you the put will lose money, so you have to pay a fluctuation premium for this, the longer the fluctuation premium. The more expensive it must be, if you want to buy a 3100-point 15-year put, then the price must be higher than one month's. You don't need to put a deposit to buy a put. You can settle the money and goods directly. In case A-shares rise to 5000 points, 4000 points, even 3500 points, in fact, as long as it goes up to 3100 points, the put you buy is directly a piece of waste paper, and the money you pay will be gone, but selling put is different, because it's for sale. So you should receive (rather than pay) the money from the buyer, but you can't just roll the money out and close your account, because if the A-share falls to 2000, 2500, even 3000, in fact, as long as it's less than 3100, the buyer will come to you for money. If you run away with the money, who will the buyer go to? this is why the seller needs to put a margin. This margin guarantees that if the A-share falls at that time, your ability to fulfill the contract, and the more A-share falls in the process, the more margin you need to put. If your leverage is too full, selling put may also encounter strong leveling. Why can Buffett sell put without margin? Why can Buffett sell put without margin? Why can Buffett sell put without margin? Friends, think this way, you just got the car Xiaomi SU7 original version in Ping an car insurance, the money has been paid in advance, have you seen it put a deposit? Oh, in theory, the CIRC will have requirements for its funds, which is equivalent to a guarantee, but this kind of margin is obviously different from the margin that Xiao Xiao puts when he goes to buy / sell financial derivatives. Ping an can say that the probability of accidents of all cars running on the road is very low, so it only needs to put a very small part of it. Obviously, in the financial market, all things with very low probability are very easy to happen. Futures companies will never lower your margin requirements because of low probability (the margin at the bottom of a bear is almost the same as that at the top of a cow). This is the difference between institutions and individuals. You will believe that Ping an has the ability and willingness to pay full compensation for your car in case your millet SU710,000 is completely destroyed and people are not in trouble, without studying its margin, but when you do derivatives as a retail investor. Futures companies will not study your ability and will, everything depends on the margin, the margin is gone, Qiang Ping has no discussion, Buffett is not a retail investor, and Berkshire is a bigger institution (stronger financial strength and better reputation) for all rival institutions in the world, so, when institutions are at the top of 2005-2007, when they want to hedge the risks of the next 15 years, they have to look for Buffett. And they will agree to his request not to put the deposit, because they believe that even if this piece of paper becomes a piece of waste paper in the future, these institutions will hedge the risk and be willing to pay the money, and once they have to find someone to pay for it, only Berkshire has this ability, and Buffett's gold-lettered signboard makes them willing to believe that whether or not to put the deposit is the same, because even if they see the deposit, they can't use it. The rate of return is pitifully low, it is better to let Buffett invest and, perhaps, pay less premiums, which is the explicit value of credibility! Although Buffett has a lot of "coquettish operations" when he is young, he can earn more money by his risk control and reputation when he is old. He can be fearless when he is young, and he must be in awe when he is old. Hexun self-selected Stock Writer risk Tip: the above content is only the views of the author or guest, does not represent any position of Hexun, and does not constitute any investment advice related to Hexun. Before making any investment decision, investors should consider the risk factors related to investment products according to their own circumstances and consult professional investment advisers if necessary. Hexun tries its best but cannot confirm the authenticity, accuracy and originality of the above content, and Hexun does not make any guarantee or commitment.
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