haktutsfreespinscoinmaster2021| A huge opportunity! Index differentiation, pay attention to this type of stocks!

发布时间: 1个月前 (04-18)浏览: 21评论: 0

The market has fluctuated unusually this weekHaktutsfreespinscoinmaster2021It plummeted and then skyrocketed, but today the market finally returned to reason. Individual stocks opened low in early trading, which is a normal phenomenon of yesterday's upward correction. Some people wait and see cautiously and are not optimistic about the persistence of the market. As long as they make a profit or reduce losses, they will sell immediately.

haktutsfreespinscoinmaster2021| A huge opportunity! Index differentiation, pay attention to this type of stocks!

However, the stock market did not continue to fall, there was a buying relay at the low, and stocks began to move higher in random shocks. At one point, the Prev hit 3100 points, setting a recent high. Although it fell somewhat in the afternoon, it dared to challenge the new high, proving that the market is gradually improving. Within the index, Shanghai is strong and creates weakness, reflecting that market funds prefer stocks with performance and high dividends rather than subject stocks, which is a new change after the country's nine policies, and is also in line with the concept of value investment.

Excellent companies should be given a reasonable price, or even a certain liquidity premium, which is in line with the market law, A-share investment atmosphere gradually corrected, which is the basis of the bull market. From a technical point of view, the Prev has stood firm at 20 antennas, the Shenzhen Composite Index fell back after hitting 20 antennas today, and the gem is below the 20 antennas for two consecutive weeks. Index differentiation, so the operation can be at the bottom of the blue chip stocks in small and medium-sized positions to sell positions, in no hurry on the position.

Once several major indices have returned to the 20 antenna, indicating that the short-term operation window reopened, this market can be easily grasped, as long as skillful use of the Kings 520 rule. In the hot direction, international oil and gold prices are being adjusted, and there may be upward momentum in the short term. On the other hand, the environmental protection industry needs medium-and long-term thinking and can not be rushed for success. At present, we need to focus on the vocational education stocks with low price-to-earnings ratio of Hong Kong stocks. This is a huge opportunity and we must keep track of it.

Keywords Hong Kong stocks, low price-to-earnings ratio, vocational education stocks 4Haktutsfreespinscoinmaster2021.18 rating | New high! Hexun self-selected Stock Writer risk Tip: the above content is only the views of the author or guest, does not represent any position of Hexun, and does not constitute any investment advice related to Hexun. Before making any investment decision, investors should consider the risk factors related to investment products according to their own circumstances and consult professional investment advisers if necessary. Hexun tries its best but cannot confirm the authenticity, accuracy and originality of the above content, and Hexun does not make any guarantee or commitment.


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